Episode 10: Multiverses, Casting, and Andrew Lloyd Webber

Patty & Emily talk about shows we saw this week, including a Sondheim concert at 92Y and Constellations, casting announcements, including convicted child molester James Barbour, the possibility of NBC doing The Wiz, and why we don’t hate Andrew Lloyd Webber.

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Episode 8: Say Goodbye to the Side Show and Go Into the Woods

Patty & Emily talk about going to Side Show’s closing performance and the Into the Woods movie. They weigh in on the Idina NYE drama, Emily talks about Mozart in the Jungle, and they discuss Something Rotten’s Seattle cancelation.

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Episode 7: ABBA, Carolee News, and a couple of Plays

Patty’s back from Sweden, where she went to ABBA: The Museum. She tells Emily all about it, and they talk about Lost Lake, Pocatello, the Into the Woods Movie, Beth Leavel replacing in Tuck Everlasting, and Kathie Lee Gifford’s new musical venture!

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Episode 6: A Moment of Silence for Side Show

This week Patty & Emily mourn the announcement that Side Show is closing. They celebrate Alice Ripley’s and Nancy Opel’s birthdays, discuss Allegro and the annoucemenst of Kate Baldwin in John & Jen and Laura Benanti in the Rockettes show.

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Episode 5: Broadway, Downtown, and Live TV!

Patty & Emily saw a bunch of shows this week! No time to talk about theatre news because we talk about Disenchanted, My Favorite Year, War Lesbian, The Illusionists, Peter Pan Live, and Emily’s 9th time seeing Side Show!

Right click to download file.

Episode 4: Waitress and Dr. Zhivago Casting, Mary Martin, and Emily Skinner!

Patty & Emily discuss recent casting notices of Sarah Bareilles’s Waitress and the upcoming Dr. Zhivago. It also happens to be Mary Martin’s AND Bette Midler’s birthday as they record. Emily talks about seeing Mame and Little Dancer in DC, and Patty talks about Elf at Paper Mill.

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