Hey shamzettes! So, our Smash review has gotten lots of feedback (mostly people reminding us that it’s just a TV show. Thanks! We thought it was a documentary!) But, this gave us an idea. We’re going to be doing live chat sessions on Ustream for a half an hour after every episode! Since we’re in New York, we’ll be chatting after the Eastern/Central airing, starting at 11/10c. If you’re elsewhere in the country or the world, we’ll be posting the chats as a video afterward. And everyone can always send us questions/comments via facebook, twitter, or Ustream for the next video! So, be sure to tune in! And rewatch our review (because you’ve obviously already seen it!) as a refresher.
So, it’s you and us, shmazettes, on February 6th at 11/10c! And don’t forget: it’s just a TV show (about something we love and are extremely passionate about)!